Thursday, May 6, 2010


There are many different roles that each person plays everyday. Like me for example I
play the roles of a daughter, friend, girlfriend, granddaughter, sister, employee,
Student , and athlete . These seem like a lot of task but it not it becomes part of your
Everyday life. With friends and family im the goofy Stephanie that plays around and can
always take a joke. With the boyfriend im the Stephanie that is loving, supportive, caring,
and the all around care taker when it comes to cooking , cleaning, and making sure he is
on point with getting all his important stuff done. As a sister it is my responsibility to look
out for both of my brothers one who is 18 and is completely out of control and the other
who is 5 months and who’s mind is like a melting pot and he learns something new
every day. As a employee I am a completely different person I am nice but always
about business and am always the leader and people usually call me bossy. As a student
I work hard to get to where I want to be in life and am now seeing that it is a lot harder
than it looks on T.V. As a athlete I take sports serious and I am not the one to mess
with on the field or the court I am always captain of every team I play on an I always
play the role of the motivator on the team.
See there are so many roles that a individual plays during their day but that’s just part of
their everyday life. I believe that all of these roles model you into the person that you
are today. I know that they have become a big reason to why I am the way that I am.
Some of the roles are challenging and some I don’t want to do all the time but it’s who I
Am. The roles that become of us are also due to cultural backgrounds and how our family raised us. Due to certain life experiences they make us who we are and throughout life we learn and gain new experiences that teach us lessons that change our look on life and sculpts our personality. I don’t think that I would have become the person that I am at 20 without certain life experiences that I have now and by 60 I will be a completely different person and look at different things in life differently
The one thing that I am most passionate about would be sports I love the logic that goes into being a athlete. You have to have a love for the game and you have to perfect your game at every level. You first start playing as a child on little league teams then play for high school, then college then next thing you know your being invited to practice for professional teams. It’s the same with the way the actors in theater are. They first start of playing in school shows from little all the way to college. Some actors choose to even take a leap of faith and take it to the next level by moving to New York and try staring in Broadway musical. Just like athletes actors have a passion for what they do they all ways try to be perfectionist in their chosen passion and will always try to take it to the next level and become professionals. There is nothing like a career that you love doing everyday. That’s why I chose sports management as my major because I don’t think that I could ever enjoy going to work everyday unless sports was a part of my life.

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